Fixed dentures Vs Removable denture: Which one is better?
Dentures are used in the place of missing teeth for proper chewing, improvement in speech and protection of the gums. Dentures are the best solution for people who have missing teeth. There are many reasons for missing teeth like; gum disease or tooth decay or need to have teeth surgically removed, which may cause discomfort. But now there are dentures to replace the missing teeth. There are usually two dentures; Fixed dentures and Removable dentures.
A fixed denture is also known as non-removable denture, is basically permanent replacement teeth anchored by dental implants and are similar to natural teeth. It can’t be removed by the patient. They are more expensive, but comfortable & durable. It is a better fit & increased comfort and designed to be worn for a long time. It is healthier, as they leave less space in the mouth for bacteria. Fixed dentures provide the people with a number of benefits like: Greater strength & durability, more comfortable fit, and can be cleaned just like regular teeth.
Removable dentures are also known as false teeth. They are temporary replacement teeth attached to the gum-colored. It can be removed and reinserted whenever a patient is required without professional help. They are best fit and may need to be replaced easily. It helps to secure the spot and keep other teeth from shifting the space. It helps to maintain mouth and gum shape before and after oral surgery. It can be a full set of teeth or just a few teeths.
Every Patient has their own treatment, but maximum patients choose a fixed denture because a removable denture may cause pain, irritation or infection, gum disease and other dental health problems. Luckily, the problem doesn’t apply to fixed dentures, which are molded to your gums only after they are healed. Fixed dentures are perfect custom fit dental implants as long as you take care. It won’t cause irritation, infection, or tooth decay and don’t need to worry about the shifting around gums. It is custom-fitted for you so it won’t shift unless there are drastic changes. A removable denture must be taken out for cleaning but fixed dentures can be cleaned like regular teeth. In a fixed denture there won’t be any discomfort while chewing, drinking or talking.
Pros and cons of fixed dentures
Everything has its own pros and cons. Before deciding what to do and when to do, speak with a dentist who will help. Dental implants are a difficult process and they will have pros and cons.
Fixed dentures pros and cons are:
- It will look natural.
- Like removable dentures, fixed dentures can be removed easily for cleaning
- It will last a lifetime.
- Custom-fitted in mouth which is comfort and stability.
- They are less hassle than removable dentures.
- It is expensive.
- More time needed for healed and ideal fit.
The best way to learn more about oral health & to know more about a fixed denture and removable denture is to book an appointment in Dave Johnson Dental lab. We are here to help you in any difficulty regarding your dental health.