Same day denture from bite block

Same day denture from bite block

Same day dentures are a super convenient way to get your damaged dentures on the same day as the dentist will have a denture lab right at their office therefore the information needed doesn’t have to be shipped out. All the procedures that are needed in the four-week general denture process can be compressed into a single day. The bite blocks also known as a ramp or turbo are custom-made to fit your mouth and prevent damage to metal braces by restricting the upper and lower teeth from touching. Bite blocks are usually made of The material that is a moldable acrylic plastic and wire and are attached to the front or back teeth that shapes your teeth as well as also prevents them from coming in contact with the brackets to keep you from biting down completely. The plastic is durable enough to withstand pressure from chewing, eating and is available in various colors including clear, red/pink or other colors that can also match the shade of a tooth.

What are the types of bite blocks?

Bite blocks are divided into two types: The first type is the ones that are placed in front of your mouth, while the second type are the ones that are placed in the back of your mouth.

When are bite blocks necessary?

Bite blocks are necessary to adjust all kinds of bites when the occlusion of the teeth would interfere with correcting the alignment and prevent the teeth from coming all the way together in an adverse way and dislodging the brackets including:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Cross bites

How long do bite blocks last?

Bite blocks are usually only necessary for about six to twelve months if your orthodontist recommends them as a part of your orthodontic treatment. You will only require bite blocks until your teeth are no longer coming in contact with the brackets when biting down or your teeth move into a healthy alignment.

Why do I need a bite block?

Orthodontic treatment is not just about straightening your teeth but also repairing your bite. If your bite is misaligned properly, then whenever you chew or bite, it may be putting excessive pressure on your jaw or temporomandibular joint. It can also wear down your teeth more rapidly as this can result in pain while damaged teeth, chewing and other jaw problems or health issues.

Some patients may also have a bite that causes their teeth to slide against each other rather than connecting them on the proper surfaces which might lead to a problem with new braces as a strong bite could damage their brackets.

The bite block helps to prevent these from happening and also works in conjunction with your braces to help realign your bite. In this way your jaw will be trained on the correct way to bite while your braces are protected from damage and possible breakage.

Side effects from bite blocks

Just as many dental devices bite blocks can also sometimes pose problems, at first. Below are some of the common concerns that you need to consider:

  • Problems when chewing
  • Speech impairment
  • Feeling discomfort and pain
  • Lost or worn blocks
  • Biting on only one block