

A flipper tooth also known as acrylic removable partial denture is a type of temporary denture that is used to fill gaps in your smile. They fit along the roof of your palate or sit on your lower jaw and consist of a retainer with one or more prosthetic teeth. They’re usually used to replace missing front teeth temporarily in situations where you’re waiting for your tooth implant mouth to heal, or when your denture needs to be repaired. Many patients opt for a flipper denture because it creates the appearance of a full smile by filling any visible gaps in your mouth.

What is a flipper tooth made of?

A flipper tooth is usually made out of a lightweight pink acrylic dental-grade resin that blends in with the color of your gums and may have brackets. The acrylic structure fitted to your flipper tooth will either rest on your jaw or will fit along your palate depending on your specific mouth placement. You may have a type of clasp to keep adjacent teeth in place and hold your flipper in place. 

Benefits of flipper teeth

Flipper teeth offer patients numerous benefits making it an attractive prosthetic tooth option, such as: 

  • Flipper dentures are cost-effective and a quicker solution than other types of partial dentures which makes them ideal for many patients.  
  • You don’t have to wait for flipper teeth, impressions for flippers can be made prior to your extraction which means you won’t have to go without teeth at all. 
  • Flipper dentures are created from a very lightweight material and are convenient to wear.
  • They improve the aesthetics of your smile as they appear relatively natural, making you feel more confident. 
  • They provide stability for other existing teeth and prevent the remaining dentition from shifting. 

Cons of flipper teeth

  • Flipper teeth can be uncomfortable and hard to get used to unlike a removable partial denture or a permanent tooth-replacement.  
  • They’re made using cheaper materials than other dentures making them prone to breaking or cracking more easily. 
  • Regular use can cause them to loosen over time as compared to metal framework dentures, flipper teeth can be more brittle and deteriorate faster. 
  • Wearing flippers can increase the risk of developing dental issues and periodontal diseases such as gingivitis, caries, denture stomatitis, alveolar bone reduction, tooth migration and triggering of gag reflex

Flipper tooth costs

A flipper tooth is most affordable compared to other prosthetic tooth restoration options, yet the cost can vary depending on your location. The cost of flipper dentures mainly depends on the number of teeth you need to replace using flippers and the materials used. You may also expect to pay additional costs from periodic adjustments, or when you need to have your flipper tooth repaired.